Our Board

Swearing in of the officers and trustees who were present for the 34th Infantry Division Reunion, Oct. 11-12, 2013. The Stoney Creek Inn hosted many of the meetings and celebrations.
See more reunion photos.
Our Board of Directors
All officers, trustees and committee members serve as unpaid volunteers. Association members are encouraged to serve in any capacity. If you are interested, please contact the association secretary.
President: SGM (Ret) Daniel T. Cain
1st Vice-President: MG (Ret) Jerry Lang
2nd Vice-President: BG (Ret) Michael Beaman
Sergeant-at-Arms: MSG Zach Richardson
Secretary: COL (Ret) Ed Graybill
Asst. Secretary: COL (Ret) Russ Bierl
Treasurer: COL (Ret) Mark Newhall
Historian: MSG (Ret) Daniel Ewer
Chaplain: Chap. (COL) Martha Kester
Additional Volunteers
Information Officer: Wayne Merick
Historian Emeritus: Pat Skelly
Website Manager: MSG (Ret) Daniel Ewer
Facebook Manager: CW5 (Ret) Don Poggensee
1-Year Trustees:
COL (Ret) Ron 'Curly' Albrecht
LTC Randall Stanford
LTC (Ret) Jeremy DeGier
Daryl Drake
2-Year Trustees:
CW5 (Ret) Don Poggensee
1SG (Ret) Larry Woodworth
BG (Ret) Paul Wieck
CSM (Ret) Chris Stroner
3-Year Trustees:
Dr. Chris White
MSG (Ret) Daniel Ewer
LTC (Ret) Rose Williams
COL (Ret) Russ Bierl
34th Infantry Division Association
Iowa Gold Star MuseumCamp Dodge Bldg A-9
7105 NW 70th Ave.
Johnston, IA 50131-1824
(515) 252-4531