Historical Reference

The 34th Infantry Division has a proud history of service to our country during eras of two world wars and the global war on terror.
WWI Battle Honors
Camp Cody Trench and Camp Newspaper, digitization sponsored by 34IDA.
Station List - 34th Division.pdf
135th Infantry Regiment
734th Ordinance Light Maintenance Company.pdf
Jan. 26- Pvt Henke and 34ID land in France.pdf
April 1- MG Ryder Commendation, General Order Number 8, MG Bradley commentary
May 15- Narrative History, 109th Medical Battalion
June 7- Shortcomings in Training S-2 Personnel
July 4- Beachhead News.pdfSept- Lessons Learned in Combat.pdf
Sept 29- History of the 133rd Infantry, 34th Infantry Division
The 34th Infantry Division, Louisiana to Pisa- text, pdf
The 34th Infantry Division, Pisa to Final Victory- text, pdf
"The Thirty-Forth Infantry Division" (red book).pdf
"The Story of the Famous 34th Infantry Division" With index and table of contents.pdf, Google copy.
WWII Battle Honors
March 17- The Red Bulletin- pdf, text
April 7- The Red Bulletin.pdf
April 14- The Red Bulletin- pdf, text
April 21- The Red Bulletin- pdf, text
April 28- The Red Bulletin- pdf, text
May- 133rd Infantry, 34th Infantry Division
May 1- German 34th Infantry Division Surrenders
May 1- Tunisian Operations, 168th Infantry.pdf
May 12- The Red Bulletin, text
May 19- The Red Bulletin, text
May 26- The Red Bulletin- pdf, text
June 2- The Red Bulletin, text
June 9- The Red Bulletin, text
June 16- The Red Bulletin, text
June 23- The Red Bulletin, text
June 30- The Red Bulletin, text
July 16- Operational Instructions 83, 34th Infantry Division Shifted to British Eighth Army
July 25- Operational Instructions 84, 133rd Infantry on Police Detail in Pola
July 25- Operational Instructions 85, 168th Infantry Relieves Jewish Brigade
Aug 9- Operational Instructions 86, 133rd Infantry Relieves 168th Infantry
Aug 10- Operational Instructions 87, 133rd Infantry on Police Detail in Gorizia
Sept 8- Operational Role for the 34th Division
Sept 12- Operational Instructions 88, 135th Infantry Relieves 133rd Infantry in Pola, Trieste
Sept 12- Operational Instructions 89, 34th Infantry Division Relieves 10th Indian Division
Sept 17- Operational Instructions 90, Seizing Illegally Owned Arms
Sept 19- Operational Instructions 91, Security Plan, Convoy Escorts
Sept 23- Operational Instructions 92, Movement to US, Relief by 88th Infantry Division
Sept 26- Operational Instructions 93, Guarding Captured Enemy Ammunition Dumps
Sept 29- Operational Instructions 94, Passing of Command to 88th Infantry Division
Sept 29- 133rd Infantry History
Oct 1945- 133rd Infantry Narrative History
Oct. 5- French Unit Citation
Oct. 5- Unit Citation, General Order #259
Oct. 13- Champion Hard-Luck Division, Saturday Evening Post.pdf
Oct. 31-
The Red Bulletin, pdf
Nov. 2- The Red Bulletin, pdf
Spring- The Iowa Militiaman, The Red Bull is Back.pdf2000
July 9, Reunion remarks by Chap. Leighton McKeithen.pdf
July 12, Reunion remarks by Col. Wm. Klimack.pdf
July 9, Reunion remarks by Ray Rudolph.pdf
July, Greetings From Iraq, 1st Brigade Combat Team.wmv